Medicine Yoga Is A Somatic Breathwork, Bodywork & Mindfulness Therapy Suitable For Complete Beginner's .
Designed Over 25yrs 4 Mental Health & Nervous System Recovery.
A Grounding, Nurturing & Self Study Practice Encompassing Various Elements From Hatha / Yin/ Restorative Yoga, Chinese Medicine, EMDR & Energy Healing.
Mental Health, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Sucidal Crises,
Chronic Pain, Fatigue/ CFS, Complex CPTSD, PMDD, Fibromyalgia, & Nervous System Recovery.
"MedYoga is not about the perfect alignment, perfect body & most definitely not about how you look to others.
MedYoga is all about creating a safe internal environment, that allows you to explore your own inner terrain, soulful landscape, programs, parts & shadow through soul awareness, self acceptance, love & compassion".
Restore, Rewire & Reset
MedYoga {Medicine Yoga} offers 3 Beginner Level practices that complement one another: MY Restore = Fatigue/ Pain, MYReset = Nervous System, MYRewire = Brain/ Mind.
Choose from the following options:
💫 Weekly Online Membership,
💫 In Person 8 Week Course,
💫 12 Week 121 Therapy Program.
Week 1 =
MedYoga Restore - Gentle Restorative & Stress Relieving Yoga Medicine. Focus: Chronic Pain, CFS/ Chronic Fatigue, Exhaustion, PMDD, Burn Out, Insomnia, Fibromyalgia.
Week 2 =
MedYoga Reset - Calming Nervous System & Vagus Nerve Yoga Medicine. Focus: Childhood & Ancestral Trauma, Emotional Dysregulation, Fight/ Flight/ Freeze Stress Responses.
Week 3 =
MedYoga Rewire - Brain Neuroplasticity & Bi-Lateral Energy Yoga Medicine. Focus: Mental Health, Depression, Anxiety, CPTSD, Dopamine, Serotonin, Melatonin & Hormonal Imbalances.
Week 4 =
MedYoga Breathwork- MY Somatic breathwork is a mind-body practice that explores the connection between breathing, the felt sense within the body and emotions. It's a therapeutic technique that helps release pent-up emotions, compulsive thoughts and process trauma.
***It Is Highly Recommended That You Invest In Your Own Props:
{1x Yoga Bolster, 1x Brick, 1 x Block, Eye Pillow or just come with a few Blankets}.

MedYoga {Medicine Yoga} has been designed over 25 years to support the "Restoring, Rewiring & Resetting" of the Nervous System through Brain/ Bi-Lateral Stimulation, Vagus Nerve Therapies, Mindfulness Meditation, Energy Healing Techniques & Somatic Practices that aim to create a calming effect on the Nervous System.
MedYoga Therapy offers a 3 stage program: MedYoga Restore, MedYoga Rewire & MedYoga Reset.
We recommend starting with a 3-6 mth minimum foundation of Level 1 to support your recovery journey.
Mindful Restorative Postures: Gentle restorative postures using 2 x Bolsters, 2 x Bricks, 2 x Blocks, 1 x Blanket, Essential Oils Are Used To Hold Postures for 5-10mins, encouraging a deeper embodiment & release of the body, cells, tissues, organs, fascia & psoas muscle. Mindful relaxation, side stretches, and twists are all examples of Medicine Yoga. Influences from Yin Yoga, Hatha Yoga & Chi Kung. These poses are designed to slow the heart rate, breathing, and metabolism, and to relax the nervous system.
Mindful Body Scan Exercises: Progressive muscle relaxation & somatic body scan is an excellent way to relax, deepen your mind-body connection, and find grounding in times of stress or disruption. This short practice involves gentle, small guided movements to help build body awareness and release tension from your toes to the crown of your head.
Mindful Somatic Breathwork: Through the practice of MedYoga we focus on both Anapana Breathwork (Vippassana) & Rhythmic Breathing to maximise healing potential through the magnetic field of the heart discovered by the Heart Math Institute. Accessing a poweful portal of energy that generates a higher vibrational field of resonance. Encouraging the stimulation of breath to strengthen the Gut-Heart-Brain connection.
Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Humming, Chanting & Sound is often included in MedYoga practices as well as Tapping. Exploring Meridians (Energy Channels) To Cool The Mind & Body, Purge & activate the Parasympathetic Division of the Nervous System (Rest & Digest)
Bilateral stimulation (BLS): These techniques involves alternating stimuli to the left and right sides of the brain. It's used in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy to help people reprocess traumatic memories in a safe and controlled environment. BLS can help reduce anxiety, improve emotional regulation, and increase feelings of well-being.
Neuroplasticity & the 10 Second Gap: These exercises influence someone's brain to improve its structure and slow age-related complications. The Gap Effect: Breaks that Matter. Huberman advocates for incorporating random intervals of doing nothing, termed the Gap Effect, during learning. These short breaks, approximately 10 seconds each, aim to enhance cognitive processes. Nadi shodhanam: This technique involves alternate nostril breathing to create a slowing down effect to allow more profound & effective 10 second gaps.
MedYoga Therapy
Restore, Rewire & Reset.
MedYoga will help you:
Regulate the Nervous System: help to tone the vagus nerve and improve the mind-body connection for better emotional management and resilience.
Relieve Chronic Stress and Anxiety: promote relaxation and calm in daily life by reducing cortisol levels.
Reduce Chronic Pain and Tension: by targeting muscular tension and chronic pain in the back and hip regions, you will learn to reduce the negative impact of daily activity on your body.
Improve Mood and Energy Levels: boost mood through controlled movement and body awareness, helping you to feel more relaxed and energized in the body.
Managing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): in some cases, somatic yoga can help release trauma stored in the body and promote emotional well-being.
Increase Flexibility and Mobility: gentle yoga exercises stretch muscles and improve ease of movement.
Help with Insomnia and Sleep Disorders: improves sleep quality by reducing physical and mental tension, which also helps you fall asleep more easily.
Improve Posture: help correct your posture, and feel more confident in your daily activities.
And much more...